stainless steel cafeteria tray

Get Ahimsa in Your School

We’re serving stainless steel foodware to schools.

stainless steel cafeteria tray being served in cafeteria

Take Plastic off the Menu

We’re serving stainless steel foodware to schools.

stainless steel cafeteria trays in cafeteria with kids

Meet the Conscious Cafeteria

More than just foodware, we have an entire sustainability curriculum!

Want to get steel in your school?

Stainless steel is the ONLY kid-friendly material recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Better for kids' health—and better for the planet.

check out this quick watch

Your school can follow the latest pediatric health guidelines

Why switch to steel?

The cafeteria is a big source of chemical exposure harmful to student health, is the greatest source of a school’s carbon emissions AND schools save money switching from disposable to reusable.

child eating from stainless dish plate

Better for kids' health.

Research shows that chemicals in plastic affect children’s health, including brain development, growth, immunity, puberty, fertility and cardiovascular health.

Stainless steel does not. It is inert, which means no harmful chemicals will transfer to food.

With Ahimsa stainless steel, your school’s environmental footprint will be greatly reduced. It also creates an opportunity for your school to demonstrate its commitment to environmental stewardship and model leadership in this field for your students.

Better for the planet.

The cafeteria is the greatest source of a school’s carbon emissions. Plus, school cafeterias are one of the US’s highest contributors to plastic waste. By one measure, a single middle school can create more than 30,000 pounds of waste through its lunchroom annually.

Steel is the most recycled material on the planet. Plus, steel can be recycled again and again.


Saves schools money.

We know reuse wins every single time to save schools money.

Look at the average COST per USE value:

  • Cost/use of a compostable, disposable tray: $0.11
  • Cost/use of Ahimsa stainless steel tray: $.005
Stainless steel is the only (non-breakable) dish material recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). 
We're in more than 100 schools